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The Dirt of Bright Avenue's selected for Copenhagen Film Festival


During Tranås at the fringe 2023, Tabergsådalens cultural center together with the festival organizer Kultivera conducted a workshop in ekphrastic writing. The first days of the festival were dedicated to international short films, often with strong artistic claims and poetic imagery. This made them ideal for writing ekphrases.

The concept of ekphrasis is old and comes from the attempt to verbalize visual works of art, but over time it has broadened and is now used as the attempt to write or react based on an art form other than writing.

During the workshop we showed four films: The Call by Camilla Novais, Dragonflies by Ian Gibbins, Because You Speak of Fur by Patricia Delso Lucas and Johanna Wagner and Water and More Water by Francesca Svampa. For 15 minutes between each movie, participants were asked to write reactions to the movies. The reactions could respond to the themes of the films or be free associations.

After the workshop, participants took their texts home and processed them, and those who wanted to participate in an anthology sent them to the editor of the anthology, Peter Nyberg Mollung. He made a layout and now the anthology is available in both physical form and as an audio book.

- Peter Nyberg Mollung

You can read the original article here in Swedish LJUSA AVENYERS SMUTS: EN SAMLING FILMEKFRASER


Tranås at the Fringe


Proud member of the Baltic
Nordic Fringe Network

Baltic nordic.jpg

Tranås at the Fringe Festival is arranged by Kultivera, Litteraturcentrum KVU, SPEGEL, Write4Words, Red Door, La libélula Vaga, Populär Poesi, Fri Press, Trombone förlag, Skådebanan Småland and Magnus Grehn Förlag.

With support from Tranås kommun, Svenska Akademien, Kultrurrådet. Region Jönköping, Nordiska Ministerrådet, Goethe Institut, Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Norhedsstiftelse and Baltic Nordic Fringe Network.

Kultivera, Storgatan 17, 573 32 Tranås, Sverige

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